Aliás, em relação ao titulo, não será tanto o Manual, mas sim um género de diário!
Tal como referi no meu perfil (não é minha pintura egípcia (...)), comecei este ano a viver mais o meu “namarido” (nova designação de companheiro: namorado+marido, acho tão fofinho!) na nossa nova casinha! E tal como seria de esperar foram surgindo situações caricatas, e também algumas quezílias!
Tal como referi no meu perfil (não é minha pintura egípcia (...)), comecei este ano a viver mais o meu “namarido” (nova designação de companheiro: namorado+marido, acho tão fofinho!) na nossa nova casinha! E tal como seria de esperar foram surgindo situações caricatas, e também algumas quezílias!
Porque isto de viver junto é muito bonito, mas tem o que se lhe diga! (Acho que sabem bem do que estou a falar!). Dois feitios a viver debaixo do mesmo tecto!! Um caranguejo (bem agarradinho ao chão) e uma gémea (muito despassarada) tem que se lhe diga!! Mas recomenda-se vivamente! ;)
Então assim sendo, resolvi partilhar convosco, as minhas as nossas aventuras desta nova fase!
A par deste propósito, vem a decoração da casa, em que achei que seria engraçado partilhar e pedir a opinião das coisas que vou fazendo, e que pois vou mostrando!
Penso que vá ser engraçado.
E por fim, as aventuras com a família, complementada por uma cadela meia maluca! Que não são nada poucas!! :)
Agora só me resta desejar que gostem!
In fact, the title, is not so much the Manual, but a kind of daily! As I said in my profile (not my Egyptian painting (...)), I start this year living with my "Namarido" (new name of partner: namorado + marido, it´s almost like in English you say boyfriend+husband= boyband, It’s crasy, I know!!) in our new house! And just as I would expect peculiar situations arise, and also some bickering!
Living together this is very nice, but it has something to be said! (you know what I'm talking about!). Two temperaments living under the same roof! Our zodiac are one câncer (well tight to the ground) and one Gemini (very distracted person)! But it is highly recommended! ;)
So therefore, I decided to share with you,my our adventures in this new stage!
Along this way, comes also the decorating of our house, where I thought it would be
funny to ask you the opinion of the things that I am going to do, and then I'll show to you!
I think that is going to be funny.
Finally, the adventures with the family, complemented by a dog half crazy! That aren’t few ! :)
Now I can only wish you like it!
In fact, the title, is not so much the Manual, but a kind of daily! As I said in my profile (not my Egyptian painting (...)), I start this year living with my "Namarido" (new name of partner: namorado + marido, it´s almost like in English you say boyfriend+husband= boyband, It’s crasy, I know!!) in our new house! And just as I would expect peculiar situations arise, and also some bickering!
Living together this is very nice, but it has something to be said! (you know what I'm talking about!). Two temperaments living under the same roof! Our zodiac are one câncer (well tight to the ground) and one Gemini (very distracted person)! But it is highly recommended! ;)
So therefore, I decided to share with you,
Along this way, comes also the decorating of our house, where I thought it would be
funny to ask you the opinion of the things that I am going to do, and then I'll show to you!
I think that is going to be funny.
Finally, the adventures with the family, complemented by a dog half crazy! That aren’t few ! :)
Now I can only wish you like it!
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